What?Training / Workshop
How much?
2`800.00 CHF / day
What is it about?
One day power booster with the effect of longevity for your team. A direct source of fresh wind, easiness, energy and fun plus a good beginning to withstand the demanding challenges of our digital future.

See more information under.

It’s about making your team fit for the new digital challenges. It’s about finding together (again), about balancing visions and values in terms of levelling the path towards the mutual goals which can be reached with fun for everybody. It’s about using strengths and weaknesses where they make sense to dare a fresh start and take first new steps all of the team look forward to.

It’s about making your team fit for the new digital challenges. It’s about finding together (again), about balancing visions and values in terms of levelling the path towards the mutual goals which can be reached with fun for everybody. It’s about using strengths and weaknesses where they make sense to dare a fresh start and take first new steps all of the team look forward to.

Gladly I answer your questions.