Die Impulsgeberin
More fun, more turnover – Nicola Hammerschmitt is convinced of this formula. And she lives what she teaches: her seminars are catchy and enthuse every single participant with humour and depth like a fresh kick. There is no boring theory: in her keynotes she opens up the treasure chest of her rich experiences close to practice. You immediately can apply what you just learned. Let yourself be taken away!

Impulse seminar I
Management by humanity
Digital mindset X.0
Digital mindset X.0
If new workers start in the company, they are 100% motivated. Then that curve slowly flattens. Why? How can we stop it? How we build up teams that are fully dedicated to use their full potential and live New Work? Following examples from practice Nicola presents simple, quick solutions by explaining three power sources which bring new energy to the company. What role do emotional systems in the brain play? Why are so called banalities that important? And why is leading much simpler than assumed?
“We don’t need workers but fans!”
Impulse seminar II
Help! How we make that work?
How New Work can be successful
How New Work can be successful
70% of our life time we spend at work. If you want enthusiastic loyal workers, their time needs to be designed in a way they long to go to work! Try new ways, experiment, take things easier and make them worth living for – Nicola Hammerschmitt shows you how easily that is done. As long as the menu of the canteen has the most clicks in the intranet there is still additional communicative scope… It’s about attraction, sexiness, humour and sense and about how to make life exciting again.