Die Umsetzerin

Training  |  ­Coaching  |  ­Managementberatung / OE  |  ­Parcours  |  ­Dozentin

Nicola Hammerschmidt condenses the many challenges of team work and leadership down to seven core topics. She reveals the areas of possible frictions in a company and in her direct approach approaches them resolutely. After 25 years as trainer, coach and consultant she knows in which fields the problems are found. She delivers poignant analysis to then start the necessary processes towards change with fun and action. She applies brilliantly simple tools to create quick solutions. Her modules for inspiration offer highly effective options in finding solutions, based on interaction and experiencing. Nicola Hammerschmidt turns workers into fans, going to work enthusiastically and performing 150% !

easifyingleadership: Simply leading in an easier way, up to date and full of sense corresponding to the New Working Culture – with joy and team work, with innovative and effective management tools.
easifyingteams: Aware, respectful and with a big heart – that’s how team work works out.
easifyingservices: Spoil clients, be there for them with your full heart. It works perfectly with a few simple tricks applied.
easifyinginnovation: Inspiration, discoveries, creative ideas – everybody can be innovative.

„Die Atmosphäre im Unternehmen sollte so gestaltet sein, dass die Mitarbeiter danach lechzen, zur Arbeit zu gehen.“

Do you want your workers …

… to be enthusiastic about their job?
… to always give a 150 percent at their job?
… to think and act independently with a X.O. Mindset?
… to be loyal and not become headhunted?
… to actively live the values and corporate identity?
… to be ready for the challenges of digital transition?

Then you should …

… create an environment your workers love,
… be aware of their requirements and “little needs”,
… excel your workers expectations every day,
… create space for game play, fun, creativity, experiments and craziness.


Training is about the workers themselves, the team, the leadership, and the relationship to the clients. For example we analyse:

How is the cosiness in the team?
How about the mutual relationships in the team?
Which resources and competencies are already present, which still need to be acquired?
How does the internal team communication and the external communication towards clients work?
How is the team lead and guided, how they lead themselves?
What expectations, goals and general conditions need to be considered?
How are internal team conflicts approached and solved?
How are ever changing situations and conditions managed?
What expectations do the team members have and how can goals be approached?

  • Your workers or departments don’t communicate with each other
  • Nobody acts out of self responsibility
  • Team members are not creative enough and don’t contribute any ideas on their own
  • There are conflicts within the team
  • Clients are already complaining
  • With a training more aimed directly towards goals your workers find their proper direction again – with a continuous learning effect.

Results from research of learning prove that we only take the knowledge on board in an easy, simple and long lasting way if we combine it with positive emotions. Based on this fact Nicola Hammerschmidt instills a heartfelt, playful, humourous and trusting atmosphere generating lots of space for laughter and creativity. Her motto: Laugh and play more!

The following tools are used in this process:

  • Methods of learning and teaching techniques such as Mega Memory Training and Accelerated Learning which consider individual types and styles of learning. At the same time we progress with practice orientated and active involvement of the participiants.
  • Breaking the ice in terms of dismantling uncertainties and building trust and familiarity
  • Timeouts to sharpen the concentration and attention of the team
  • Group work in terms of achieving mutual goals and discovering team spirit
  • Discussions  in order to share experiences
  • Self reflection in terms of detecting a personal view and deepening of contents
  • Role plays in terms of experiencing the views of clients and colleagues
  • Video analysis in terms of intensifiying self reflection
  • Controversies in terms of supporting open communication based on facts
  • Case studies in terms of learning from Best Practice Services
  • Competitions in terms of motivating the participiants to their highest performance
  • Individual tasks in terms of transferring theoretical knowledge swiftly into practice

The trainings contain individual handouts, no comprehensive seminar documentation


The coaching is only about you as a person:

  • Your momentary situation
  • Your areas of tension
  • Your resources and abilities
  • Your needs, goals and desires
  • The requirements always become more complex, the challenges more demanding
  • Your motivation is not at the needed level
  • You would prefer to take your team on board more
  • Leading correctly and accordingly – how does it work?
  • Corporate values must be communicated properly under any circumstances – how is it done?
  • During coaching you gain clarity about your situation, you detect resources and you learn to use them properly. If you as a human being are balanced yourself you manage your leading tasks much easier.
  • Systematical and organizational constallations with figures or persons and systematic coaching after Bert Hellinger, Matthias Varga von Kibèd, Insa Sparrer and Dr. Horn Brigg & Partner
  • Systematic and solution orientated think and work techniques after Steve de Shazer and Günther Schmidt in phenomenologic processes
  • Voice dialogue technique after Hal Stone and supervision techniques
  • Neurolinguistic programming (NLP-techniques)
  • Hypnotherapeuthic techniques in change situations after Stephen Gilligan
  • DISG and Insight License Personality Trainings
  • Meditation techniques and use of non violent communication after Marshall Rosenberg
  • Rational-emotive coaching work
  • Techniques for transactionsanalysis
  • Time and self management techniques (Shadowing-Coaching on the job)
  • Psychological testing procedures and other diagnostic procedures (DISG/Insight/C.G. Jung/ behaviour theories)
  • Mental training techniques such as NIPSILD or CP Creative Power, plus also after Byron Katie, Development square, Collin Tipping etc.
  • New: Instant change application. Immediate changes in cognitive field, consciousness/ subsconciousness, change of cell information and aura fields in a few minutes

Management Consulting / Organizational Development

The aim of management consulting is to put your company into a position from which it constantly self improves. Nicola Hammerschmitt emphasises agile development of organisation which is tested and perfected by experimental phases and various applications.

In detail it is about

  • Developing corporate cultures
  • Designing visions, mission statements, aims, values and future
  • Bringing together, integrating and developing different areas, departments and teams
  • Building up cooperations and networks
  • Leading with enthusiasm, passion and entrepreneurship
  • Optimizing  procedures and processes (EFQM)
  • Organising a long term development with fun and game play

Not only meeting but surpassing the expectations of team and clients – this is what’s happening after our cooperation. By then we systematically have analysed your business, discovered weaknesses, activated resources, planned changes which we structured and put into action together. Very close to actual practice and focused.

Together we take a look at the situation: within a short time a diagnostic system shows you the momentary standing of your company. It shows you exactly where the problems lie and what prevented you to solve them so far. It discovers hidden resources which in a next step can be used to further develop your company.

After the analysis you receive a concept made to measure for training, coaching or counselling – exactly what helps you and your company to succeed. Not more, not less.

Our working process

  • is unconventional and surprisingly different
  • is creative and innovative
  • is transparent, direct, simple, comprehensible
  • is committed to efficient and sustainable solutions
  • is unbiased and impartial
  • is constantly reflecting on everyone involved

Methods of agile organisation development:

  • Systemisches konstruktivistisches Denken
  • Systemisches phänomenologisches Vorgehen
  • Systemische Organisationsaufstellungen
  • Tools from quality management and thoughts from the Trigon OE-model
  • innovativ und unkonventionelles Denken und Handeln

Requirements and expectations towards leading personnel rise enormously. Those in charge continuously have to question themselves and work on their personal profile. Plus they have to be up to the latest standards regarding knowledge and organisation, they need to inform, communicate, motivate and coach. Nicola Hammerschmitt creates with you a management culture 4.0 with creative new organisation tools and an X.O. Mindset. Fun and games are important in the process. Mutual laughter creates connection and makes your team feel like a big family. Allowing a sense of humour all the serious topics, conflicts or dry contents can unconventionally be handled and dealt with much easier.

For this reason there are the management tools of easifying companies which

  • focus on the knowledge that needs to be conveyed
  • directly address and solve problems
  • inspire your every day work
  • support the team connection and encounters on eye level
  • create sensitivity and communication
  • create variety and inspiration
  • make personal development of the workers possible
  • reinforce the workers loyalty towards the company
  • And all is achieved in a rather unconventional, attractive and sexy manner.


If you want to be successful with your company you have to face the task of making your team fit for the high challenges in its every day work. Also trouble shooting and problem solving on their own initiative is required, and at the same time being at it with joy and fun. Only then high level performance and longevity are possible.

If it gets complicated, simplify! Nicola Hammerschmitt does it in a playful way. She developed 131 modules, out of which she puts together an individual course with Ewa Ming – completely made to measure for the needs of the company.

In many companies the problems often seem to appear in certain similar areas. The challenges show up on seven levels which Nicola Hammerschmitt defined and analysed. They can be approached and solved with specially designed tools and modules.

  1. Level: The leading force itself
    To lead successfully and feel happy and content with it one can only achieve being fully aware of yourself, knowing your strengths, weaknesses and values and accept them, being authentic and vulnerable.
  2. Level: The future and the past
    The leader and the team need to follow a vision – attractive and sexy for everyone and making sense. It is important to value the past accordingly to be able to clean it up and then be ready to head for the future together.
  3. Level: The colleagues in your or other teams
    Now you can focus on other relationships in the company. It’s about creating a team atmosphere that brings joy, in which everyone can be themselves with all strengths and weaknesses and where personal values find enough space.
  4. Level: Leading from the top down
    A leader must guide in a way to fulfill the emotional systems of the workers: the balance system which thrives for order and stability; the power system which craves for appreciation and praise; the stimulation system which needs variety. The workers should feel included and wanting to be involved, be creative and be a part of the processes.
  5. Level: Information and communication
    It’s all about creating an atmosphere in which the workers are able to pass on feedback to each other in a positive manner. All information needs to be available transparently for everybody to make use of it at the right place and time.
  6. Level: Organisation and processes
    As soon as dedication and communication are implanted in the team, the terms and conditions regarding responsibilities, standards and organisational structures can be worked out together.
  7. Ebene: Beziehungen nach außen (Lieferanten, Kunden, Stakeholdern, Umwelt)
    Jetzt erst haben die Mitarbeiter Lust, die Kunden glücklich zu machen, weil sie selber glücklich sind.

As not to loose thoughts, ideas and claims in every day’s working life you constantly have to revive them in a catchy, interactive and experience oriented way. This is possible with the experience and inspiration course of easifyingcompanies, because it consists of management tools and learning models which …

  • come straight to the point
  • can be activated quickly
  • make you curious
  • guarantee long term results
  • promote innovation
  • render leadership transparent
  • solve everyday problems
  • … and especially make fun

The course is a platform for everyday work which can be used anytime.


Nicola Hammerschmidt arbeitet seit knapp 20 Jahren als Dozentin für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenspsychologie, Organisationsentwicklung, Management by fun, Digitales Management, Leadershipthemen, Kundenpsychologie, Serviceexzellenz sowie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.

Als Dozentin unterrichtet Nicola Hammerschmidt an mehreren Hochschulen für Wirtschaft: unter anderem an der Kalaidos Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft in Zürich als Kernteamtrainerin und Dozentin sowie an der HSO Luzern/Basel. Ihre Studenten lieben an ihr, dass Sie die wissenschaftliche Theorie mit Praxis und Leben füllt und einfach verständlich macht.